Abstract: the relationship between the content of heavy metals in plant raw material with such an important integral physical parameter as the Debye temperature of a metallic element is considered. This is confirmed by the high values of the correlation coefficient. This parameter is calculated for cadmium, lead, copper, manganese, nickel, chromium and zinc ions.
The graphical dependence of the accumulation coefficient k of heavy metals from the soil is presented for the wild grassy plants of the Lower Don. Wetweed ambrosia (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.), Austrian wormwood (Artemisia austriaca Pall. ExWilld.), Cedar grass (Elytrigia repens (L.)) are considered. Samples were taken at a distance of 1 km from Novocherkasskaya SDPP.
The value of the mobilization factor (the factor of technogenic enrichment) of EF is described as the ratio of the technogenic flow of a chemical element to a natural element, in the transfer of metallic elements. Dependences of the mobilization factor (EF) on the Debye temperature of the metal are presented.
The dependence of the heavy metals content in the soil-vegetation-invertebrate animals system in steppe biogeocoenoses on the Debye temperature of the metal is characterized. This will allow us to predict the possible mechanism for the transport of heavy metals in nature.
Keywords: Debye’s temperature, coefficient of accumulation of metals, content of heavy metals in plants, EF accumulation factor, correlation coefficient