Abstract: this study analyzes the behavior of a metal electrode in an organic electrolyte containing a surfactant with the property of adsorption in chronoamperometric and chronopotentiometric modes.
Analytical expressions of dependence of potential of interfacial boundary metal electrode-solution of indifferent organic electrolyte on time; and also analytical relation of dependence of current passing through a cell on time in chronoamperometric mode are received.
Graphoanalytic method established that the dependence of the potential of the interface metal electrode-solution indifferent electrolyte, which has the property of adsorption on the electrode, in the Frumkin-Melik-Gaykazyan model in chronopotentiometric mode is exponential. The dependence of the current through the cell on time in chronoamperometric mode is also exponential.
Keywords: Frumkin-Melik-Gaykazyan model, surfactant, indifferent electrolyte, operational impedance, chronoamperometric and chronopotentiometric analysis